
Discuss the Theme of Greed in Animal Farm


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LO: To start looking at themes in Animal Farm.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LO: To start looking at themes in Animal Farm.

  2. Home Encyclopedism- for Monday 16th May • Foundation: • Explain how the author presents the subject of avarice in Animal Farm. Use evidence to support your answer. • Higher: Explore the how greed is presented in Animal Produce. Use evidence to support your answer.

  3. Answering the question • How does the writer use language in this extract? • How does the writer present character in this extract? • How does the writer explore themes in this take out? • How is this extract relevant to the rest of the novel?

  4. Key Themes • Greed • Leaders and followers • Betrayal • Propaganda and communication • Appearing and realism A root give notice be developed in a number of ways, e.g. through with character, irony and events.

  5. Greed The theme of 'Rapacity' can embody seen from the start of the new. Greed is one of the biblical cardinal deadly sins and terminate manifest itself in several different slipway. Mr Robert Tyre Jone drinks to excess, as a result he loses his grip on the farm and enables the animals to take hold. "Mr Jones, of the Manor Farm, had barred the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the pop-holes." Chapter 1, page 1.

  6. Rapacity Old Major's speech berates the human farmers for beingness greedy. He points out that humans only take from the animals, they do not actually produce anything themselves. "Man is the single creature that consumes without producing. He does not give Milk River, he does non lay eggs, atomic number 2 is too jerry-built to drag the Dipper, he cannot melt fast enough to take in rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself." Chapter 1, page 4.

  7. Covetousness The characters of the pigs mechanically suffer the connotation of covetousness – 'wishful pig'. This is shown to be true as the story progresses; we see the pigs take a larger and big share of the available nutrient. " 'Never creative thinker the milk, comrades,' cried Napoleon, placing himself in frontmost of the buckets. 'That will be attended to…I shall follow in a few minutes. Forward, comrades! The hay is waiting.' …when they came aft in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared." Chapter 2, page 16.

  8. Rapacity As the animals suit Thomas More disadvantaged of food, the pigs sleep in increasingly luxury. They not only drink the milk that is produced, but also start out to drink alcohol. Information technology is telling that their trust for alcohol leads them to explore methods of brewing and that the money raised away selling Boxer for glue is played out on alcohol. "The phrase went round that from someplace or other the pigs had acquired the money to buy themselves some other case of whisky." Chapter 9, page 78.

  9. Avaritia Immemorial John Major's principles are thrown away as Napoleon's want for money and physical goods grows. George Orwell shows that the pigs, and Napoleon particularly, have interpreted the grade of Mr Jones. As their power over the strange animals increases so does their greed until there is no discernable difference betwixt the pigs and the humans. "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from human being to pig, and from pig to humans over again; but already it was impossible to say which was which." Chapter 10, page 88.

  10. Leaders and Followers This is an important root word in 'Animal Farm' as it is closely linked to Eric Blair's reasons for writing the refreshing. George Orwell wanted to draw people's attention to the fact that the Communist leaders had taken the ideas of Karl Leonard Marx and exploited them for their own means. "I thought of exposing the State myth in a story that could be easily translated into other languages." Introduction, page xv.

  11. Leaders and Followers At first of the new, Mr Jones is in charge of the animals. The animals respect Old Major, but he is not really their drawing card. The animals WHO vie for the leaders, Napoleon and Abronia elliptica, are non introduced until Chapter 2. This distances them from the ideals stated in Old Major's speech. They take charge as they are more than intelligent than the others. "The work of didactics and organizing the others fell by nature upon the pigs, WHO were generally recognized as beingness the cleverest of the animals." Chapter 2, Sri Frederick Handley Page 9.

  12. Leaders and Following The cracks in the shared out leadership start to show before long. "Snowball and Bonaparte were by Former Armed Forces the most involved in the debates. Just it was noticed that these two were ne'er in accord: whatever suggestion either of them made, the other could make up counted on to oppose it." Chapter3, page 19. The tension begins to build ahead from this repoint, As it is obvious that the two pigs will not cost able to share power for long.

  13. Leaders and Followers Abronia elliptica's plans for the windmill becomes an issue which divides the animals: "The animals formed themselves into cardinal factions under the slogans, 'Vote for Sweet sand verbena and the three-day week' and 'Vote for Napoleon and the full manger'." Chapter 5, page 31. We know that this situation can not last; it has become a popularity contest for leadership.

  14. Leaders and Followers Napoleon takes direction of the battle for leaders, and as is so frequently the case, it is this preventive strike that takes Sweet sand verbena by surprise. "But just at this moment Napoleon stood up and…uttered a high-inclined whimper of a kind no unrivaled had ever heard him talk before. At this there was a terrible baying sound outside, and nine big dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn. They dashed straight for Sweet sand verbena." Chapter 5, pageboy 33. Napoleon becomes the undisputed leader.

  15. Leaders and Followers The followers are a identical varied radical. The sheep are ne'er looked at as individuals. The sheep chant the maxims they take learnt: "often as they position in the theater they would all start bleating 'Quaternity legs good, ii legs bad!'" Chapter 3, page 21. At the end of the book this use of the sheep is put-upon by Squealer: "He was, he said, teaching them to whistle a new song, for which privacy was needed." Chapter 10, page 82.

  16. Leaders and Followers The sheep's mindless acceptance, and repetition of phrases is accustomed sinister effect: "Then there came a moment when the first shock had worn off and when, in spite of everything – in spite of the terror of the dogs, and of the habit, developed through and through long days, of ne'er complaining, never criticizing, no topic what happened – they might have verbalised extraordinary phrase of protest. But just at that moment, as though at a signal, all the sheep outburst out into a tremendous bleating of – 'Quaternion legs good, deuce legs better!'" Chapter 10, page 83.

  17. Leaders and Followers The two horses, Boxer and Clover are also credulous following. Neither of them have enough intelligence to see through with the lies Squealer spreads. Boxer has two maxims, and this is almost wholly he says in the book: "Napoleon is always decently" "I testament work harder." This blind respect leads Boxer to work himself almost to death; the pigs past sell him to the knacker.

  18. Treachery This is a relatively simple theme. It can be traced from the beginning of the chronicle all the way through to the oddment. Old Major's ideas, As stated in Chapter 1 page 3-6, are betrayed from the start: "or sleep in a bed," "No animal must ever live in a theater," "operating theatre drink in inebriant," "None argument must lead you astray." "or touch money," "And, first and last, no animal mustiness ever tyrannise o'er his own kind."

  19. Betrayal More or less more examples of betrayal are: • Snowball's idealism is betrayed by Napoleon Bonaparte. • Packer is betrayed away the pigs, he never receives the retirement he is promised, and when atomic number 2 is too ill to work, he is sold. • The animals' religious belief and belief in Napoleon, Pig and the rest of the leadership is betrayed. They end up being worked harder and dosed worse under Napoleon than they of all time did under Mr Jones.

  20. Propaganda and Communication Communication is vital to help the pigs exert their leading. The media is described away Squealer; the name of this pig suggests treachery, thusly we may feel it is not wise to believe all he says. History is rewritten aside the pigs, perhaps criticising the treacherous nature of nostalgia. This is a common idea in George Orwell's writing and is developed in more detail in '1984'. In many slipway Pig represents the Land newspaper Pravda. Complete with its lies about production levels.

  21. Propaganda and Communication Rat's speeches to the animals are all propaganda. He often uses 'facts' and figures to back his points. He knows that the bulk of the animals are unable to translate and therefore have no option simply to consider what he says. "Milk River and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the intimately-being of a pig." Chapter 3, page 22. "Squealer…would read impermissible to them lists of figures proving that the production of every separate of foodstuff had increased by 200%, 300%, or 500%, atomic number 3 the case may be." Chapter 8, pageboy 56.

  22. Appearance and Reality This is a common musical theme in literature; Shakespeare often uses it in his plays. This theme is explored on many levels end-to-end the novel. The novel was originally titled 'Animal Farm – A Sprite Tale', and on the come up that is what IT is. However, when you look beneath the opencut you can see that it is an fable, with the animals representing historical characters and types of people. So it is possible to say that the playscript itself is not what it appears to be.

  23. Visual aspect and Reality An example of how to examine the theme of appearance and reality commode be seen by looking at the beginning of the fresh. Mr Jones appears to be in control of the farm, only the get together held in the barn shows that he is non. Old John Roy Major is a well respected fictitious character and his speech seems very impressive, withal he makes the comment that: "Is it not perspicuous, then, comrades, that all the evils of this life of ours spring from the tyranny of human beings?" Page 5. This is shown to glucinium unfaithful, sol Major is actually very naïve, non the wise skillful he claims to be.

  24. Appearance and Realness Old Major's death at the embark on of Chapter 2 can constitute seen atomic number 3 something ineluctable, every bit he is old. However, as Grey Major saw the uprising in a dream, the death of the dreamer can live seen as the death of his ideals. The rebellion appears to be fulfilling Old Major's dream, still, in reality it is but a reaction to hunger. The rebels are in fact animals behaving according to their natural urges.

  25. Visual aspect and World The following characters bottom cost linked to these historical figures, however they dismiss also refer to types of people. Things are non always A simple as they appear to be. Stalin Napoleon the Pig Napoleon Snowball Old Major Mr Jones Czar NicholasII Trotsky Marx Lenin

  26. Yoke the themes to all character

  27. Conclusion Themes are everywhere! You demand to sleep with at any rate some of them for the exam. There are besides many others I have not splattered in this presentation.

Discuss the Theme of Greed in Animal Farm


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