
Mats Hummels was the first Germany player to tweet after World Cup exit Free UPDATED

Federal Republic of Germany have been knocked out of the chemical group stages of the World Cup for the first fourth dimension since 1938 following a shock 2-0 licking to South Dae-Han-Min-Gook.

The reigning champions only needed to match Sweden's result against Mexico, but Janne Andersson's side sailed through topping Aggroup F with a 3-0 win.

Joachim Reduced's men will cling to their hopes for the future in thin of their Confederations Cup win in 2017, merely the realism is that they came up woefully short on the biggest present of them all.

Mats Hummels had two glorious chances to score before Die off Mannschaft's designate had been sealed and the centre-hindmost's head couldn't connect with either well enough.

Rarely do the Germans look threatened at the in reply, yet Manuel Neuer was not at his unshakeable best.

The Bayern Munich goalkeeper has lost such football this time of year that it is hardly a surprise; for the rest, there is not necessarily a good beg off for their performance.

Hummels breaks Germany's silence

In point of fact, Hummels' twinge after the game summed raised the feeling that they simply hadn't been good.

To his credit, the former Dortmund defender was the first - and A yet, the only - German player to take to social media to make his voice heard.

Altogether likeliness, when they do put their heads above the parapet, this team leave throw some serious questions to answer about where it whol went wicked.

The same can be said of Low, WHO admitted this is a huge instant in the chronicle of the German status side.


"This is something for USA to reckon with," the manager said, via BBC Sport.

"This is historic. I am foreordained this will create close to unrestricted uproar in Germany."

"We saw Sweden had taken the steer so we necessary to keep the pressure up but our team up was missing the ease of play and the classiness we commonly have. So, we merit to be eliminated, yes."

Do you blame Low for Germany's perish? Have your say in the comments.

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Mats Hummels was the first Germany player to tweet after World Cup exit Free UPDATED

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